WellSharp – An advancement to WellCAP

IADC has recently introduced WellSharp – a new revolutionary well control training and assessment program. The result of a collaborative industry effort, the new WellSharp program emphasizes rigorous training for every person with well control responsibilities, whether office- or rig-based.
Trainees gain more in-depth knowledge, well-honed role-specific skills, and a greater confidence that they know what to do to prevent incidents or, in the unforeseen event of a well control incident, respond swiftly and appropriately.

How and Why WellSharp was Developed

The program (formerly WellCAP*) was revamped and revitalized by industry representatives (at the request of industry) and essentially aligns with OGP 476. One of the reasons for taking on this challenge was the general agreement that the industry should make every effort to regulate itself, or to provide the foundation for any future regulations and standards.
In the past, well control training has centered on operations and task-oriented skills. WellSharp training will continue to offer training in those areas but has also transitioned to emphasize:

  • Incident prevention and management of the well
  • Greater risk awareness and assessment
  • Understanding of additional barriers outside of the BOP that can be utilized to maintain a safe and reliable work place
  • New technology and terms referencing unique drilling situations that have come about through new equipment and capabilities or drilling environments.

Enhanced assessment process

A significantly improved assessment process will ensure integrity and international uniformity:

  • Centralized electronic testing system, including random test generation
  • Immediate test results and feedback based on learning objectives
  • Independently proctored assessments
  • Strengthened instructor qualification requirements


The WellSharp program, which evolved from WellCAP, was revamped and revitalized at the request of industry. Working in collaboration with the WellCAP Advisory Panel, the IADC Well Control Committee, and other industry workgroups, the WellSharp program represents an industry-led effort to redefine well control training.
Using quality benchmarks and criteria developed together with operators, drilling contractors, professional trainers, and well control specialists, WellSharp helps to ensure that well control training schools adhere to a core curriculum developed by industry.

Drilling Operations Course Level

Through five course levels, WellSharp offers the building blocks for a comprehensive well control culture throughout an organization:

AwarenessDesigned for support personnel who do not have direct well control responsibilities but need to understand basic concepts.
IntroductoryEssential well control knowledge for rig crews, including Floor hands and other non-technical personnel.
DrillerAddresses practical well control skills, with a focus on detecting a kick and shutting in the well, for Assistant Drillers and Drillers.
SupervisorDesigned for Tool Pushers, Superintendents, Drilling Foremen, and Company Men and focused on well kill procedures.
EngineerAddresses well control issues that can be minimized or avoided through well design.

Learn More

To learn more about the program enhancement, one way visit the IADC website www.iadc.org or click the link below: