Well Control Equipment, Principles and Procedures

This program provides the students/ drilling personnel with basic understanding of well control for surface stack operations. The program follows the syllabus of standard well control principle and procedure.

Product Forms : Programs are available in the form of Winter Internship (WI), Summer Internship (SI) & Short Term CAP Course (STCAPC).

Eligibility : Students of Petroleum, Mechanical & Chemical majors, Drilling Field Personnel

Delivery Mode : On-Centre (at Drilling Mentors’ Centre), In-House (at Beneficiaries’ Place)

Language of instruction : English

Certificate : Yes

Course Content:

  • Principles well control
  • Hydrostatic pressure
  • Dynamic pressure
  • Pressure Gradient
  • Formation pressures and strengths
  • Abnormal, Normal and Subnormal Pressures
  • Bottom Hole Pressure
  • Primary & secondary well control
  • Surface well control equipment
  • Well barrier concept
  • Kick causes
  • Kick detection
  • Influx characteristics and behavior
  • Well killing methods Well control equipment
  • API Recommended Practices and API Specifications
  • Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD)
  • Gas law and fluid behavior
  • Causes of kicks
  • Kick indications
  • Shut-in procedures
  • Kill sheets for vertical/ inclined wells
  • Kill methods and kill problems
  • Inflow test
  • Equipment exercise
  • Principle & procedure exercise
  • Formats & Documents

Enrolment Procedure, Scheduled Dates and Cost of the Program

For queries regarding Enrolment (at Company Center or Beneficiaries’ Place), Scheduled Dates and Cost of the Program, mail us with Program Titles, Product Form, Applicant Name, Company/ College name & Mobile cum WhatsApp number at info@drillingmentor.com
